
About the Bus

The Bus provides

  • Over 150 square feet of space* on the front, sides and back of the bus to carry a progressive message, or advertise. Banners can be temporarily hung, or secured to be driven down the road.

  • The ability to transport 25 volunteers, with seat belts for a safe ride and air suspension for comfort.

  • An on board generator for power and lights.

  • A public address system that can be heard by hundreds.

  • A warm space to warm up and relax in winter, and a cool space to escape the heat of summer.

  • An awning to provide shelter from sun and rain, with tables and chairs to set up alongside the bus and interact with the public.

  • Restroom facilities with a sink, flush toilet and vanity mirror for a limited number of people.

  • The ability to serve hot coffee and cold soda. And a microwave to make fresh popcorn!

*Banner spaces:

    • Driver's side: 21.5' x 3' and 4.5' x 3'

    • Passenger side: 25.5' x 2'

    • Front: 6' x 2'

    • Back top: 6' x 2'

    • Back frame: 55" x 21"