Donations by Individuals
Levels of recognition
Thanks for your support!
Up to $25
Honorable mention on our website.
$25 or more ($35 will get you a Bus Driver membership.)
Your name forever engraved and displayed on the Rock Stars or Green Team plaque.
$100 or more for one person
$150 or more for two people
Your name, photograph and statement placed on a personal Principal Donor Plaque to forever honor your generous contribution. Lifetime Bus Driver membership.
$1,000 or more
Ways to pay
Through PayPal
By check
Mail checks payable to Bus for Progress to
Kathy Maher
1201 Evergreen Avenue
Ocean, NJ 07712
We also accept donations to the Voter Registration Fund and Rider Fund.
Donations in someone's honor or memory, as well as anonymous donations are welcome. Please provide the appropriate information in PayPal or email it to us.
Thank you for your generosity - and for making the Bus for Progress possible!